looking for better light

STN Deutschland
Berichten: 1072

looking for better light

Bericht#1 » 04 dec 2024, 23:52

My night vision is relatively good, but I am not an owl.
My 2 Kisbee scooters have a dim light with 35/35W Bilux Ba20D socket. On the top in this picture.

On rural roads the headlight is just sufficient to follow the white strip of the right lane boundary
With high beam you are able to see the next delineator post

In the woods with only head light, the camera just can't take a picture. All black. Only for your eyes, the shadows of the trees against the dim sky shows, that you are still on the path.
With high beam you can guess a little about the road itself. But barely enough to see potholes in advance.

Unfortunately there is no adaptive cornering LED light available for the Kisbee.
And the alternator and the lamp housing might not be suitable for a high wattage bulb.
So at first a check, what I can expect from Halogen. My Address has a HS1, also 35/35W.
high beam
A noticeable improvement!
Now I can even see a little in the woods.

One scooter friend said, it's only about the wattage and not the technology. The 45/40W Bilux was not expensive, so I bought it too. But my hopes are on the 35W halogen.
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Berichten: 753

Re: looking for better light

Bericht#2 » 05 dec 2024, 10:56

Technology does indeed matter!
If the power of the bulb is too high it will melt the lens and bring less light in the long run, because of bubbles in the lens. Had that with my Mash by accident once and had to change the entire headlight.
It might also help to polish the lens like you would do with a car. Making it nice and clear again helps a lot aswell.
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Voor vrijheid op twee wielen hoef je niet hard te gaan.
Mijn Mash Fifty Euro4 project

STN Deutschland
Berichten: 1072

Re: looking for better light

Bericht#3 » 08 dec 2024, 22:04

An this are the results with the 35W Ba20d Halogen bulb in the Kisbee. Compare with pic 2+3!
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Berichten: 159

Re: looking for better light

Bericht#4 » 21 jan 2025, 17:46

Bi-lux and halogen bulbs will wear out and produce less and lesser light. Just replacing a bi-lux bulb by a new one can be noticable. Here in NL we don‘t bother with your TÜV (motorbikes up to 400kg don‘t need APK and so many people have upgraded to LED lamps.

There exist 35/35W halogenic bulbs but due to another socket, you have to change the mirror and its protective glass cover to one with H4 imprint.
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Berichten: 159

Re: looking for better light

Bericht#5 » 22 jan 2025, 12:46

H4 bulbs come with two sockets: one is p43t used for the standard h4 bulbs for cars and motorbikes with 55W/55W, and the other socket is px43t which is for scooters 35W/35W. If I have read it correctly, then in the px43t socket the higher powered H4 bulbs fit, but not the other way round (officially).
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STN Deutschland
Berichten: 1072

Re: looking for better light

Bericht#6 » 22 jan 2025, 21:39

The H4 bulb is longer and therefore has a different focal point, doesn't fit.
A new headlight housing and new front panel would at least be conspicuous. Everyone could see that.
Same focal point as original, but with Halogen or LED light generation, won't bother anyone.
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Berichten: 212

Re: looking for better light

Bericht#7 » 22 jan 2025, 23:08

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Berichten: 159

Re: looking for better light

Bericht#8 » 24 jan 2025, 19:22

If we go back in history, in the sixties you could by halogenic bulbs with the old socket. But as halogenic bulbs require a more precise production, a new lamp socket was developped. Slowly the LED replacement kits arrive on the market.
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Berichten: 159

Re: looking for better light

Bericht#9 » 26 jan 2025, 20:50

What you can buy here in NL are bulbs for only low beam (Abblendlicht) or only high beam (Fernlicht). That that upgrade is not legal.
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